We now offer various hosting options for customers.

Dedicated Hardware Servers, managed & monitored 24/7/365 by UK Fast

Premium Virtual Private Servers, managed & monitored 24/7/365 by Heart Internet

Virtual Private Servers, managed & monitored 9am - 5pm, Mon to Fri by Mywebcare & hosted with Tagadab

Cloud Based, Shared Hosting, managed & monitored 9am - 5pm, Mon to Fri by Mywebcare & hosted with Heart Internet


Our intermediate hosting solution for resource intensive sites that need 24/7/365 server management will now be hosted on Heart Internet's Managed VPS service.


These servers operate on Linux only and only use the Plesk Onyx interface (not cPanel)


The following customers have their site(s) hosted on Heart Internet Managed VPS.

CustomerServer NameCostCharged Out
Leith Bed Centre670624.vps-10.com£44.98£60.00
Meadowlark Yoga918114.vps-10.com£39.98£35.00