We can provision a number of services including Office 365 through our wholesale supplier (Giacomm) using their online Marketplace called Cloud Market.
Login details are shared through Lastpass.
Link: https://cloud.market/dashboard
user: gordon@mywebcare
pass: Careweb74
Our account at Cloud Market is already configured to be able to create a new Microsoft Account for a client, as well as add or remove services & licenses on demand. We are billed at wholesale rates on a pro-rata basis.
In addition, our Microsoft account is set as a Microsoft Partner, so we can operate as delegated administrators for our customers.
To provision an Office 365 based service (including email), there a a few steps to follow.
- Licenses supplied to the Office 365 Tennant - this is done through Cloud Market
- Access to the domain DNS records (we have to make changes here to have the email service work)
- Set up licensed user accounts (with email addresses) and provide those users with instructions to set their own passwords
- Connection to the new mail service on the customer's devices.
This guide shows you how to add the Office 365 service through the Cloud Market Portal
There are several ways (entry points) to access the Add services page – search the Knowledgebase for the article Add Service – entry points for more details. The license must be added at a customer level before it can be added to users. Select Customers from the main menu, highlight a customer you wish to add the product to, then click Services in the sub-menu.
Click the + icon and select Office 365 from the list:
You will see from the header that this is a three stage process. You are currently at the first stage.
Every Office 365 customer requires a Microsoft services account. This dialog allows you to indicate whether this customer already has one. Notice you have links to product details and this guide under the Related header.
If this customer already has other Microsoft hosted services (e.g. Office 365) click
Yes They have existing Microsoft services or subscriptions
See below for the If customer has existing Microsoft services section below.
If the customer does not have existing Microsoft hosted services, click
No They have no previous Microsoft services or subscriptionsand continue as follows:
The system suggests a domain prefix which must be unique. Click Check availability – this will ensure this domain prefix has not been used already. Notice the Continue button is dimmed – you cannot continue until a suitable domain prefix has been chosen.
If the domain prefix has already been used, you will see a message explaining this and you will need to amend the prefix and check availability again:
Once you have verified availability of your domain prefix you will be able to click Continue to go to the second stage.
If customer has existing Microsoft services
If the customer has existing Microsoft services not provisioned through Giacom, you must login to the existing Microsoft tenant as a Global admin and accept the CSP affiliation. How to do this is beyond the scope of this article – see here for more information about the Microsoft Portal.
Provide the required information in the form below, login to the Microsoft Portal and confirm you have accepted the Cloud Service Provider Affiliation.
Once you have verified the above, click Continue to go to the second stage.
This dialog presents the available licenses and add-ons. You can add multiple licenses and assign them to users now or later. You can click Compare licenses to help you choose the appropriate licenses. There are also links to product details (and this guide) under the Related header.
Clicking the red triangle expands the list to show monthly cost of the license and available add-ons, with why add? links which explain the benefits of each add-on.
You will notice if you hover the mouse over the quantity box for an add-on it is not available for selection until you have selected at least one main license. Once a license quantity is entered the add-ons will be unlocked for selection. When you have selected everything you require click Continue to go to the third stage where you will see a summary of the licenses to be applied.
Review the order details and click Confirm if they are correct, otherwise click Back if you need to change anything.
You will then see the confirmation screen which explains what happens next.