Wordpress Tips
Place all of your hints and tips for getting the best out of Wordpress here and share your knowledge with your team members.
If a customer wants access to the backend of their wordpress website but you don't want them to see all the menu options (for example you don't want...
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
Search for a plugin called XML Google Sitemaps. Install and activate then go to Settings > XML-Sitemap. Click on the link 'Your Sitemap' on the l...
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
If you need to speed up websites install the WP FASTEST CACHE plugin and copy the configuration below... You can also optimise the images in bulk by do...
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
Purchased WPMU DEV for $50 per month which gives us access to some of the best wordpress premium plugins, themes and support. Plugins that can optimise the ...
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
This is a new cloning plugin for wordpress that lets us clone a site from webcarepreview to the live wordpress installation much more efficiently than Infin...
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/hide-wordpress-login-page-2/ Hiding Your WordPress Login Page from Hackers with Code Last updated August 11, 2016 #...
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
Sometimes recently we've noticed that the Google Map doesn't display on themes such as Swenson when we clone from webcarepreview to the live domain....
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
This is an element of the GTMetrix recommendations that has always been difficult to fix but I found a solution that can help it slightly. Add this code t...
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM
https://formidablepro.com/knowledgebase/form-layout-and-css-classes/#kb-align-two-fields-in-a-row Align submit button with fields If you want to...
Mon, 9 Apr, 2018 at 10:55 PM